Good Morning You Great Motivators,
The psychology behind how our buyers
make their buying decisions.
Current dissatisfaction. Every purchase decision (every decision, no exceptions) begins with our buyer's current dissatisfaction. Feeling dissatisfied with something automatically makes them a buyer. As soon as that dissatisfaction sets in, our buyers begin looking for a way to right the wrong. It becomes our job to discover that "wrong" and lead them toward the new "right." Current dissatisfaction serves as the primary motivating factor. The greater the dissatisfaction, the higher the urgency.
“What motivated
you to start shopping in the first place?” “What is not working in
your current situation?” “What made you begin thinking that you need
to make a change?”
Future promise. With a well-defined idea of what is wrong in our buyer's world, focus next on what “right” looks like. Future promise is the mental picture buyers carry around in their heads that helps to move them forward. When we clearly establish a buyer's current dissatisfaction and future promise, we create a fantastic recipe for buyer motivation.
“What are some of
the must-have’s on your list?” “What
does ‘right’ look like to you?” “How do you define your ideal future state?”
Cost and fear. Current dissatisfaction and future promise both serve to motivate buyers. On the other side of the scale, we find the inhibiting factors of cost and fear.
Buyers focus on price, perception of
value, fear of a bad buying decision, negative past experiences, market
conditions and anything else that holds them back from a buying
decision. Discover the specifics of a
buyer's cost and fear inhibitions by asking things such as this:
“What is holding
you back from buying?” “When you think about this decision, what is
your number-one concern?” “What stresses you out when you think about buying?”
Everyone fits the formula. As unique as buyers are, buying decisions ultimately come down to the same formula. Buyers buy when: Current Dissatisfaction x Future Promise > Cost + Fear
When buyers delay a buying decision,
we can move them forward with this formula. Either their current
dissatisfaction and/or future promise are too low or their cost and/or fear are
too high. Focus our sales presentation on maximizing current dissatisfaction
and future promise while simultaneously minimizing cost and fear.
Motivation is the art
of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.”
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
Ask them the right questions and they will sell themselves.
What are the right questions? How many questions do we have to ask?
Floors By Tomorrow
Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
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