Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Relaxed Mental Attitude: Today's Kudos & Encouragement (Weds 7-22-15)

Good Morning Zenbots,
If we were to draw a line on the ground and someone told us that simply stepping over that line would change our life for the better, would we step over it? Certainly we would. And if we knew that taking that step would guarantee inner peace, riches, enlightenment & physical well-being, we wouldn’t hesitate 1 second!! The guru’s teach a bunch of ways to achieve this, but one of my favorites (and I believe it has literally saved my life a number of times) is a Relaxed Mental Attitude.

Behind every face is a mental attitude, a manner of thinking. We are what we think! When a RMA is the foundation of our thinking, we will have confidence and stability under all circumstances, an inner happiness that produces capacity for life, love, and blessing, and a relaxed mental attitude toward people.

So the great enemy of a relaxed mental attitude is worry and stress, in one form or another—anxieties that possess our souls through our minds. This business can be very stressful and we must learn to be better than the stress/anxiety that comes at us every day. A man named Solomon once said, “A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life.”

Once we find that inner peace and RMA, everything becomes more manageable. The stress/anxiety doesn’t go away, no, not at all, it continues to try and pulverize us every day, but, now we can deal easier without going off the rails and taking a “Screwital” pill by noon.

The only reason we do not self gen more is either fear or laziness. We have to fix our own laziness, but fear can now be overcome with a richer, more profitable mental attitude. Let’s go out today and share this most powerful tool with all we meet.

If you feel yourself getting stressed just remember: Relax don't do it, When you want to go to it.” – Frankie (goes to Hollywood)

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