Good Morning Imaginary Friends,
There are two basic parts of our mind.
Our conscious mind which is kind of the top of our provides reason
and judgment and discernment. Our conscious mind CAN tell the difference
between a real experience and one that has been vividly imagined. However our
conscious mind compared to the rest of our mind is fairly useless in terms of accomplishing great things. The rest of our mind...our subconscious mind,
which includes our BELIEFS, our FAITH, our COURAGE, our INSPIRATION, our
EMOTIONS and our CREATIVITY. That part of us has led us out of the ice age, out
of a barbaric existence into the world of abundance we live in today. And it is this part of us that can accomplish anything... electric lights, airplanes,
computers, the Internet, the end of the Cold War, selling flooring to
one-leggers. (added for emphasis)
Everything we ever have accomplished and everything we ever will comes from
this power. Call it whatever or whomever you choose. There is no denying it is
there for us to use.
(Excerpt for a book “Mach II with Your Hair On Fire” pg 61 –
Read more of the
book here if you want)
The book goes on to explain how reliving an experience over
& over again in our brain trains our brains to believe it’s “that way” all
the time. That it is a truth or reality. If this is all true – then what
vividly imagined work experience are we replaying in our minds every day? Might
I recommend – Success, Large Sale, $100+K month, customer LOVES us, etc – you see
the picture.
A vividly imagined experience has
the same programming quality and impact as an actual, “real” experience. – Richard Bliss Brooke
“You are what your deepest desire is.
As your desire is, so is your intention.
As your intention is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.” - Upanishads
Floors By Tomorrow
Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
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