Saturday, May 30, 2015

Power Rangers: Todays Kudos & Encouragement (Sat 5-30-15)

Good Morning Power Rangers,

Don’t Worry - Think Happy

Today's K&E is about motivation - Self-Motivation. It’s about starring in, directing and producing the movie of our life—with powerful results. It’s about taking our desires, hopes, dreams and aspirations and turning them into roaring fires of accomplishment. And, it is also about how to do this all by ourselves ...anywhere we want...anytime we choose... for the rest of your life!

However, this K&E is NOT about achieving everything WE’VE ever wanted. That’s not a place we will ever want to get to - not that we ever could. For along with having everything we want comes APATHY. This K&E is simply about accelerating the momentum of our every success for the rest of our life! People are happiest when they are in the process of achieving ... when they’re accomplishing something that’s tremendously important to them. It’s the anticipation of getting the intended result ...knowing we’re on the right track ... moving forward momentum ... that makes us happiest.

Do we remember when we bought our first car or house? Do we remember how we felt in the weeks, days and hours leading up to the purchase...the period of time when we knew we were going to get it, but we were still working on financing or delivery? Do we remember the high of anticipation?  These feelings are the essence of what many of our customers are going through when we show up at their home.

“We can be the magic that weaves the reality of our customer’s dreams.” – Dan Thompson

“With great power comes great responsibility”  ― Voltaire (or Uncle Ben from Spiderman if you prefer)

Floors By Tomorrow
Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Artists: Todays Kudos & Encouragement (Thurs 5-28-15)

Good Morning Artists,
A,B,C … 1,2,3
Closing has been taught as though it is a sales technique, but it is an extension of selling and is, in actuality, a completely different art.

Selling is identifying needs, selecting the right solution, and then demonstrating how our flooring solves the problem.

Closing is getting our customers to take action and agree to exchange something of value for what it is we offer.

Closing is happening throughout the entire appointment. Some of us have experienced the deal that was accepted before we even showed the flooring, others have closed a deal, written it and was out of the house in 30-45 minutes. (Side Note: Don’t skimp on the 10 steps even when it is a slam dunk)

The more we practice handling objections, the more natural we’ll sound.  It’s like the grandmother who makes fudge without even looking at the recipe. She has done it so many times over the years that she doesn’t need to read over the list of ingredients anymore. She just knows what to do—and her fudge comes out perfect every time.

It’s the same thing with handling objections and closing deals. We need to practice handling objections and stalls so that we can persist intelligently through resistance.

Closing is art, and anyone can learn it. Closing requires practice, practice & practice.

Most people think "selling" is the same as "talking". But the most effective salespeople know that listening is the most important part of their job. – Roy Bartell

Floors By Tomorrow
Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Givers: Todays Kudos & Encouragement (Weds 5-27-15)

Good Morning Givers,


Selling is the act of giving, not getting; serving, not selling. Unfortunately, most people in sales are looking for their commission and what they’re going to get out of the deal rather than what they’re going to give, what their product really offers, and how the client will benefit. We are better than that.  I believe that the true essence of selling is not just getting the sale, but the sincere desire to help. I also believe that a spiritually aware person will ultimately be a better salesperson than someone who’s just interested in compensation. I believe and have validated in my life that if we give enough in life, life will give back to us.

It’s the same in sales as it is in life. I don’t mean giving the lowest price, or giving products and services away for free, but giving the most attention, the most energy, the best attitude, and the highest level of service. Give, give, give is the assurance of sales, sales, sales. If our client wants one option, give him three, six, or even twelve options.

Selling never ends, and it includes everyone. Those who can sell, persuade, and close are the ones who survive the best, regardless of the line of work.

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Floors By Tomorrow
Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Lovers: Todays Kudos & Encouragement (Tues 5-26-15)

Good Morning Lovers,

It’s Love, Not Price
When I can’t close a sale, I’ll always try to move the buyer up to a more expensive product as the first solution to price objection. If the customer will at least consider it, I know I’m on a product he still has questions about. This is called “closing with inventory.” I’ve had hundreds of customers tell me it’s too much money or over budget, or they get that uncomfortable money look on their face. They’re telling me it’s too much for that product or they’re not sure it will resolve their problem. The buyer would rather pay more and make the right decision than pay less and make a mistake.

Our buyers are just like us—they spend money they don’t have, they go over budget, they work hard for their money, they’ve made good decisions and bad. Like us, they want to avoid bad decisions and make good ones. If people don’t buy from us, I assure you it’s almost never about the money or the budget, but about something we didn’t uncover. If it were all about price, please explain why people stand in line for a $4 cup of coffee when they could make an entire pot at home for almost nothing. Why someone spends thousands on season tickets when they could watch it on television. Love, baby—love!

Dan Thompson
Floors By Tomorrow
Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Accused or Convicted: Todays Kudos & Encouragement (Sat 5-23-15)

Good Morning Convicts,

We must be completely IN if we are to fully maximize the opportunities Empire has given us. We cannot even attempt selling to someone else until we ourselves are completely sold.

We must get rid of all negative considerations and believe that it’s the right thing, the right product, the right company, and that it will benefit the person we’re selling it to. It’s critical that we do everything possible to convince ourselves that our product/company must be purchased and that it must be purchased from us at our pricing.

Become so thoroughly sold on our product/company that our conviction is irresistible to others. This is not meant to suggest that we lie to ourselves, if that was even possible. We’ve met thousands of high-producing salespeople over the years, and never have we met a top producer who got to the top by deceiving others. What I’m suggesting is that we take the time to sell ourselves before we try to sell someone else on how our product is superior to others.

Are we so sold on our product/company that we think it’s detrimental and unethical not to convince someone to buy from us? Get to that point and watch our production freak out! When a customer doesn’t buy our product, do we actually feel bad for him and lose sleep? If we were really sold, we would feel like that. The person who is sold completely won’t let people not buy, because that would be a violation of his own integrity! Reach that level of being sold, and I assure you that people will buy from us.

So, are we just accusing ourselves of being a salesperson or have we been fully convicted by a jury of our customers?
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Floors By Tomorrow
Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
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