Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Ask That Extra Question: Todays Kudos & Encouragement (Weds 4-8-15)

Good Morning Pollsters,

It’s funny, sometimes we feel like we are professional question askers. What are they called? Pollsters? :-) Other times it seems like we are theater performers, we just bring the show to them.  Every so often the “play” turns into an interactive stage routine. Don’t get burnt out on the “same ‘ol, same ‘ol”. We must mix it up a bit and keep it exciting for ourselves, and they will follow.  It is this personal approach, this interaction that involves the customer and makes them our own. If we don’t sense our audience getting involved in the first 3 steps, change it up.

“Ask that extra question. It’s that one little extra question that makes the difference.” — Steve Richard

We’ve established that the first 3 steps should take 20-30 minutes, this is when we meet and great, ask 4 questions (plus others), give Empire story, really sell them on us and Empire, price condition, throw softballs, pre-close, find their hot spot & motivations, learn their buying language, etc.  There are a number of Reps that can tell stories of how a deal was sold before the customer even saw any samples. It all happens in the first 3 steps.
If it doesn’t happen in the first 3 steps, then make your step 4 “product presentation” so amazing they are chomping at the bit to buy – “buying questions”
If it doesn’t happen in step 4, then make your step 5 “price presentation” so convincing that they are ready to commit – “buying questions”
If it doesn’t happen in step 5, then make your step 6 “manager assist call” fully blow their mind at the savings and immediacy of the purchase – “buying questions”

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ~ The Declaration of Independence

It makes me happy to know that even The Declaration of Independence wants our customers to buy flooring from us!! Go get em Patriots!!

Dan Thompson
Floors By Tomorrow
Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
Connect with me online:

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