Monday, August 31, 2015

Wagoneers: Todays Kudos & Encouragement (Mon 8-31-15)

Good Morning Wagoneers,

So, I have a confession to make … Sunday I fell off the wagon.  I had gone 5 years without hitting the gym a single time, and Sunday I blew it.

I have another confession to make … in the over 140 K&E’s I’ve submitted for our encouragement, I have not ONCE written about exercise and health … (if you don’t believe me, check it out on the blog - ) I mean, how hypocritical of me would that be??  Well, this morning you can go ahead and paint me a hypocrite!!

How Exercise Can Boost Your Sales Performance
When was the last time you got up from your desk/couch/office chair to move around a bit? And no, walking to the car to grab samples doesn’t count.  Salespeople looking for an edge in the work they do are smart enough to realize that sometimes it comes from movement itself, and the recognition that exercise plays in making the mind sharper.

“There are many very plausible and physiologically supported reasons why you would expect to see improvements in job performance because of exercise,” says Cedric Bryant, Chief Science Officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE). “You are promoting better blood flow, which helps in terms of neurological function. Exercise has been consistently shown to enhance and elevate mood, so it will help you cope with the stressors of work.”

The ACE also cites evidence that:
  • A daily 10-minute stretching program shows significant improvement in joint flexibility, fatigue, anger, depression, and overall mood.
  • A nine-month study of 80 executives showed that exercisers experienced a 22 percent increase in fitness and a 70 percent improvement in ability to make complex decisions compared to sedentary peers.
Improve brain speed by 25 percent to close more deals, faster
While exercise can’t change our IQ, it can “change our cognitive performance,” says Dr. Steven Masley, “If we’re talking about brain performance, the best predictor of brain speed is aerobic capacity—how well we can run up a hill is very strongly correlated with brain speed and cognitive shifting ability,” Masley says.

When diet & exercise made an 81% difference in sales performance
Drew Stevens, Ph.D., a business development consultant to the medical industry and the author of “Split Second Selling,” worked with a team of more than 300 workers to see if exercise would make a difference.  “Our professionals were mostly selling professionals and marketing managers that travel frequently, eat deplorably and work out when possible,” Stevens says. “We reviewed diet, nutrition and exercise programs. After six weeks on the program of proper nutrition and exercise, there was a 81 percent difference in performance.” He adds: “There was less dozing at meetings, better closing rates on sales calls and less customer service issues.”

“Nobody like a quitter.” – every smoker you’ve ever met.

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Auth Rep of Empire Today
Sales Trainer
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